Cornell P. Wright, MPA
Health Equity & JEDI Consultant

a bit about me:
Cornell P. Wright, MPA is a subject-matter expert, consultant, advisor, and presenter around the areas of health equity, justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, health disparities, minority health, community engagement and outreach, and historically marginalized populations and communities. Wright currently serves as the Health Equity Advisor for General Dynamics Information Technology’s Federal Health Sector.
Most recently, Wright served as the first-ever Chief Health Equity Officer with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, a national nonprofit organization founded by The Clinton Foundation and the American Heart Association, focused on promoting and advancing Whole Child Health Equity with schools, school districts, and other corporate and community partners across the country. Prior to that role, Wright served for several years as the Executive Director of the North Carolina Department of Health & Human Services Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities.